- Anima Anandkumar (Caltech) - Artificial Intelligence Keynote
- Bruce Bassett (SAAO/UCT) - Scaling Towards Exabyte Science With The SKA
- Andy Connolly (DIRAC/UW) - Looking Below the Noise - Asteroid Hunting With the LSST
- Dan Crichton (JPL) - Enabling Methodology Transfer for Scientific Analysis from Space Science to Biomedicine
- Rich Doyle (JPL) - JPL, Autonomy, and Data Science
- Francisco Forster (CMM/MAS) - The Universe in a Stream: Building the ALeRCE Broker
- Matthew Graham (Caltech) – Can We Predict the Future of Aperiodic Sources?
- Ajit Kembhavi (IUCAA) - Applications of Deep Learning in Astronomy and Electron Mocroscopy
- Alberto Krone Martins (U of Lisbon) - Strongly Lensed Quasars: Where Entropy Meets Astrometry, Wavelets And Machine Learning
- Ashish Mahabal (Caltech) - The Why And How Of Deep Learning
- Jess McIver (Caltech) - Noise Mitigation Methods For Gravitational Wave Detectors
- Lior Pachter (Caltech) - High-Dimensional Data Analysis In Astronomy And Biology
- Kai Polsterer (HITS) - From Photometric Redshift to Improved Weather Forecasts: An Interdisciplinary View of Machine Learning in Astronomy
- John Preskill (Caltech) - Quantum Computing Keynote
- Pavlos Protopapas (IACS/Harvard) - Physical Symmetries Embedded in Neural Networks
- Tapio Schneider (Caltech/JPL) - Clouds, Climate, And Data-Informed Earth System Modeling
- Peter Tino (U. Birmingham) - Dynamical Systems as Feature Representations for Learning from Data
- Kiri Wagstaff (JPL) - Anomaly Detection And Explanation In Galaxy Observations From The Dark Energy Survey
- George Djorgovski, Caltech, USA, Co-Chair
- Matthew Graham, Caltech, USA, Co-Chair
- Ashish Mahabal, Caltech, USA, Co-Chair
- Giuseppe Longo, Univ. di Napoli, Italy, Co-Chair Emeritus
- Bruce Bassett, Univ. Cape Town, South Africa
- Massimo Brescia, Obs. di Capodimonte, Italy
- Guillermo Cabrera, Univ. de Concepcion, Chile
- Chenzhou Cui, NAOC, China
- George Helou, IPAC, USA
- Jarrod Hurley, Swinburne, Australia
- Ajit Kembhavi, IUCAA, India
- Alberto Krone-Martins, Univ. Lisboa, Portugal
- Jessica McIver, LIGO, USA
- Erzsebet Merenyi, Rice Univ., USA
- Kai Polsterer, HITS, Germany
- Pavlos Protopapas, Harvard, USA
- Prajval Shastri, IIA, India
- Alex Szalay, JHU, USA
- Kiri Wagstaff, JPL, USA